I'm aware I haven't updated for far too long. The reason is, hmm, well, the reason is… (enter your own reason for not updating a blog here, if it has something to do with children, time, work and laziness, you'll be in the right ballpark)
Yesterday I went to Ipswich to see Matthew C Applegate, aka pixelh8, the man who is coding my app. He's finished. we 'debugged' it (did we, is that what we did?) and then he uploaded it into Apple's approval process. They have to check that it works and isn't another fart app, and once approved (if they approve it) it will be available for download. Holding the thing in my palm, on an iPhone was a very exciting moment, a sort of future glimpse. It looks fantastic, and it is so snappy - never a dull moment. Matthew's coding is really sharp. You can see why he does stuff for Apple from time to time. He had a prototype iPad onstage with him back in 2008!
Soon I will post some images and possibly video. And within 10 days, fingers crossed, you'll be able to download it, for free!
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