Thursday, 19 August 2010

Plugged in

This new novel I'm writing, the one that's spawning an app before it's finished, is about several things. One of them is how we are understanding reality in new ways thanks to technology. I'm interested in the way we gather our version of reality from a multitude of sources in tiny snippets, a YouTube video here, a Facebook link there, a tweet, some TV. This fractured narrative certainly makes up my daily life. It was a theme lurking in Martin Martin's On The Other Side, and I was considering calling that novel Interference for a while, the idea being that Jensen Interceptor is a kind of unwilling receiver of random signals and implanted signals from various sources, all of which crowd his own consciousness into the limited and crass personality he exhibits.

So I was very interested in today's story on the BBC about how much time we spend using media devices every day. Imagine my delight when I went to the the BBC website (after hearing the story on Radio 4) and found there's a graph. It's this I want to share. It's art, if you ask me.

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